Shop Boston July 4 Energy Saving Appliance Sales!

Shop energy efficient appliances in Boston this July 4 and see how much you can reduce your monthly electricity bills. Learn which rebate programs help you save!

Shop July 4 Energy Savings In Boston

Shop energy saving appliances in Boston this July 4! Declare your independence from high electricity bills this year!
Declare your independence from high electricity bills this year when you shop energy saving appliances in Boston this July 4!

We’re only weeks away from the 4th of July and, if you’re like me, that means cookouts and fun! But don’t forget to take time to save on your Massachusetts electric rates! One great way to get started is to shop for energy efficient appliances that can help shave your bills down to size. Don’t worry if you don’t know how, because that’s why we’re here to help. Let’s check out how to shop for July 4 energy saving appliances in Boston!

When You Should Shop For Appliances in Boston?

First, decide which appliances you need to shop for most. Typically, these are the appliances you use the most. You should consider how old your appliances are. So, let’s look at some common examples.

To start, a 2018 EIA survey shows that 7% of most electricity used goes to JUST your refrigerator. So, purchasing an energy-efficient refrigerator can save you up to $230 over 12 years compared to older models.

And because summers are now actually hotter in New England now, you should consider air conditioning. for example, you could save up to 20% on your bills if you replace heat pumps or AC units that are 10 years or older.

You might also want to shop for new HVAC systems that are better for the environment or to take advantage of newer technology. For example, air-source or geothermal heat pumps are more energy efficient than natural gas furnaces and create better air quality.

Shop Energy Efficient Appliance Savings in Boston

Obviously, you have to consider the upfront cost for efficiency upgrades. Thankfully, MA utilities offer energy efficiency programs that can help you get the most bang for your buck.

For example, you can call Eversource or National Grid for a free home energy assessment. This will show you the energy waste problems in your home. It also helps guide you to simple and affordable home improvements you can make. Best of all, both utilities offer rebate programs that can offset the higher installation costs. For example, there’s an Eversource rebate program that can save you up to $16,000 for a new heat pump system.

On top of that, the US government has several home energy tax credits that you can claim for efficiency improvements. This includes credits for small projects like replacing doors and windows or larger projects like solar and geothermal energy generation.

Save Big In Boston This July

Make sure you start planning how you can save more energy this summer. As you know, the summer months are one of the most expensive times of the year. So any energy saving you start today can make huge cuts on your electricity bills.

You can always trust for the news that affect your bills. You can also count on us to help you find tips to save energy or to shop for the best electricity rates in town!

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